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Biolegend 644902 Purified anti-RORγ Antibody

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Biolegend 644902 Purified anti-RORγ Antibody

RORγ (Retinoid-related orphan receptor gamma) belongs to the nuclear hormone receptor family, NR1 subfamily. Contains 1 nuclear re



          RORγ (Retinoid-related orphan receptor gamma) belongs to the nuclear hormone receptor family, NR1 subfamily. Contains 1 nuclear receptor DNA-binding domain. RORγ has two isoforms: γ1 and γ2 (also referred to as RORγt). The RORγt differs from the RORγ1 isoform in that it lacks the amino terminus of RORγ1. RORγ1 contains 516 amino acids and RORγt contains 495 amino acids. RORγ1 has a molecular weight of approximay 58 kD. RORγ1 is highly expressed in thymus, kidney, liver, muscle, and brown fat but not in white fat tissue. RORγt is specifically expressed in only two cell populations, DP thymocytes and lymphoid tissue inducers (LTi). RORγ plays a critical role in control apoptosis during thymopoiesis and T cell homeostasis. RORγ is to regulate TCRα repertoire by virtue of its positive regulatory role on Bcl-x expression. RORγ is essential for lymph nodes and Peyers patches development.

Other Names:

         RORc, Nuclear receptor ROR-gamma, Nuclear receptor RZR-gamma


         Belongs to the nuclear hormone receptor family, NR1 subfamily. Contains 1 nuclear receptor DNA-binding domain. RORγ has two isoforms: γ1 and γ2 (also referred to as RORγt). The RORγt differs from the RORγ1 isoform in th


         Th17 cells


         RORγt is essential for lymph nodes and Peyer's patches development. RORγt plays a critical role in control apoptosis during thymopoiesis and T cell homeostasis.


1. Medvedev A, et al. 1997. Genomics 46:93.

2. He YW, et al. 1998. Immunity 9:797.

3. Eberl G, et al. 2004. Nat. Immunol. 5:64.


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